The Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) has arrested 36 doctors over three days, including 15 from Kathmandu, on charge of possessing fake credentials.According to the CIB, 35 of the doctors had produced fake certificates of Bihar Intermediate Education Council (BIEC) while one was practicing illegally without licence from the Nepal Medical Council (NMC)–a government body that regulates doctors and medical education in the country.With its latest action, the CIB has arrested a total of 52 doctors since it launched ‘Operation Quack’ this February. The CIB had arrested 17 doctors in February. Following an elaborate investigation, their medical licences have been annulled by the NMC.The CIB on Sunday made public the names of the doctors, including Chief Executive Officer of Kantipur Dental College Dr Buddhi Man Shrestha. Dr Jabed Akhtar Ansari, former Associate Professor of BPKIHS was arrested after he was found working on NMC registration number of another doctor.
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